Tips for scanning huge Xbench reports in Excel

Anyone have any tips for scanning past FPs?
I have a report from a TMX with around 110k rows to review. I can get through around 10k rows an hour eyeballing and skipping the obvious ones. I use page down key and scan and move on. I put an X in an empty column for rows I need to come back to fix but my goal is to get through the report first without starting/stopping too much.

Typical signs of easily ignored rows
<> (In between tags)
// (In code comments so all text following //)
< > (In between code snippets) (in URLs)
AM / PM etc (…and glossary terms that are too generic)

Anyone have any other tips as I need to train some colleagues?


Hi Christopher,

A more efficient way would be to run QA and check issues in Xbench instead of a huge Excel.

  1. Run QA in Xbench.
  2. After checking an issue, press Ctrl+M to mark the issue.
  3. At the QA options toolbar, select Hide Marked at the Filter Issues section.

In this way, you can hide issues already verified.


The reason i find Excel better is you can see the whole segment on both sides. What you propose requires you to select the rows that do not fit into the view and with the volume I have that will slow you down

I Christopher,

A few things that you can do:

  1. Freeze the Excel view so that you can always have the first few rows in Excel visible, then
  2. Add one (or more) columns to Excel, where you can add marks such as “X” for rows to ignore
  3. Add a filter to Excel in such columns, and select all rows with the exception of those containing the “X” (this will have the equivalent effect of Oscar’s “Hide Marked” suggestion)
  4. Use the Excel filter functions to show or hide rows as necessary (e.g., to ignore those with “//”)