Export into xls format not working

Hi, I’m working on a different computer temporarily, and often have to export the xbench report as excel file and send it to my translation customers.

On my own computer, this works without a hitch, but on this machine I get an error message

Ungültige Klassenzeichenfolge, Prog.ID: “Excel Applicatiion”

and I cannot create an xls export file. This pc uses open office, not MS office, but the file extension xls is “known” to the computer and can be opened without problems.

What could I try here?
Thanks for your help!

Xbench requires MS Excel to be installed on the computer in order to export the QA report.

As a workaround, export the report to .html and open it with Open Office.


I am having the same problem. But circumstances are a bit different:

  1. I do have MS Excel installed
  2. I used XBench for the first time last week, and I was able to export QA result to Excel files. Now, however, I get the same error message as above when trying to export to Excel.

Is there any setting somewhere for how XBench checks that MS Excel is available?


If Office was updated but the computer was not restarted yet, it is possible that Excel automation stops working until the next computer restart.

If you reboot the computer, does the issue persist?