Export QA Results -> Error

I am checking a list of terms but I have a problem wwhen exporting the QA results.

The error only occurs with certain checklist entries, not with others in the same list. When I disable that entry, it works. I don’t know if it is due to any content in the tmx nor what it could be. I don’t see anything strange in there.

Error 2

Any idea?

Best regards

Would it be possible to send a failing .xlsx to support so that it can be reproduced?

Hi Josep,

I found and solved the problem, thnx a lot. It has nothing to do with XBench, but with the translation memory itseld. XBench reads all content in the tmx without problem and you can work with it. But when I opened the tmx in the “Olifant”, I got the error that not all of the content could be imported, caused bei charcaters not allowed as & #x1E; or & #x1F;.

I deleted those and it works fine now.

Interesting fact: The tmx export out of Trados Studio causes this problem, but if you open that export in XBench and export it to a new tmx, everything ist fine.

Best regards

Thank you, we came up with the same conclusion with the file you sent us.

We have added a task in our DB to make a tweak in the export of Excel to .xlsx so that this bug in the TMX file does not propagate to the exported .xlsx file.