I have recently installed Windows 10, Apsic Xbench 2.9 and STAR Transit. Export of .TMX documents into ApSIC fails with an error message XML Parsing Error 101: “<?xml” expected (Row=1 Pos=1).
I have also tried ApSIC with an .SDLXLIFF file and it worked perfectly :-O.
When loading TMX files, Xbench 2.9 expects to find the XML declaration at the first line like <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>. The encoding value depends on the CAT tool.
Just open the TMX file with Notepad or Notepad++ and insert the XML declaration at the beginning.
Hi Oscar,
Could you please advise the encoding value to be inserted into the XML declaration for SDL Studio 2021?
I am having the same error as Michal_Surmar but I export TM files in *.tmx format using SDL Studio 2021.