Search for en dash + word with capital first letter

Hi, I’m a newbie, as my question probably will underline. I need to find all segments beginning with en dash AND capital first letter. Example: – People (not “– people”).

Thank you for any support!

Best regards,

You can try this:

  • Search string: – [A-Z]
  • Regular Expressions Mode: Enabled
  • Case sensitive: Enabled

OR, taking into account that the n-dash is Unicode character 2013 (hex):

  • Search string: \x2013 [A-Z]
  • Regular Expressions Mode: Enabled
  • Case sensitive: Enabled

If the uppercase can be a native character, then you need to add the native characters to to the [A-Z] character class. For example for Spanish it would be [A-ZÑÁÉÍÓÚ].

Hi, pcondal, the – [A-Z] string works perfectly! Thanks a lot!