How to check extra space between two Chinese words?

For example, 我的 手表,It should be 我的手表
There should be no extra space between 的 and 表.

I used [^\x00-\xff][:space:][^\x00-\xff], but can’t find anything.

Could you help me solve this issue?

I found [^\x00-\xff][:space:] can’t check extra space between Chinese and Chinese word.
Only space between Chinese and English can be found.

In Trados studio, we can use [\u4E00-\u9FA5]+\s[\u4E00-\u9FA5] to check extra space between Chinese and Chinese word. but it is not suitable for Xbench.

You can use [\x4E00-\x9FA5][:space:][\x4E00-\x9FA5]