How to define a Chinese Term of 2 double-byte characters with a space between them?


Could anyone help deal me with this problem, please?

I need a filter to search a Chinese Term of 2 double-byte characters with a space between them.

It looks like this one:

圖片 002

The term is “報 告” with a space between these two Chinese double-byte characters.

And my expression is:





The RegEx and Power-Search are both ON.

Unfortunately, such an expression can NOT detect the source correctly. :frowning:

Is it possible for Xbench to find out the Chinese Term (2 double-byte characters) with a space between them?

The following search should find any space between two Chinese characters:

Source: "[\x4E00-\x9FFF\x3400-\x4DBF\x20000-\x2A6DF\x2A700-\x2B73F\x2B740-\x2B81F\x2B820-\x2CEAF\x2CEB0-\x2EBEF\x30000-\x3134F\xF900-\xFAFF\x2F800-\x2FA1F][:space:][\x4E00-\x9FFF\x3400-\x4DBF\x20000-\x2A6DF\x2A700-\x2B73F\x2B740-\x2B81F\x2B820-\x2CEAF\x2CEB0-\x2EBEF\x30000-\x3134F\xF900-\xFAFF\x2F800-\x2FA1F]"
Search mode: Regular Expressions
PowerSearch: On.

To find all instances of this specific term, try the following one:

Source: "報[:space:]告"
Target: -"review"
Search mode: Regular Expressions
PowerSearch: On.

Firstly, I would try to search only the source to detect segments containing any space between these Chinese chars.

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Dear Sir,

It works perfectly, I appreciate your kindly helping so much!!! :slight_smile: