How can I detect if imperial unit in source is converted to metric unit in target?


How can I detect if “imperial unit” in source is converted to “metric unit(imperial unit)” in target?
For example, “x °F” in source should be converted to "y°C(x°F), “x ft²” in source should be converted to “ym²(xft²)”, etc.


If you do not need to check if the conversion was done accurately and the thousands and decimal separators shoudl not be modified, one approach would be to search if target does not contain the Farenheit expression enclosed in parenthesis in target.

It would as follows:

  • Source: "([0\.\,]+[0-9]°F)=1"
  • Target: `-"(@1)"
  • Regular Expressions: On
  • Powersearch: On

If you do not care about the numeric value or have different thousands and decimal separators and you only want to check if the translator did anything at all about it, a good heuristic probably is to only check if °F is followed by a close parenthesis and °C is folllowed by a open parenthesis.

  • Source: "[0\.\,]+[0-9]°F"
  • Target: -"°C\(" or -"°F\)"
  • Regular Expressions: On
  • Powersearch: On