Hi all,
Could you please teach me how to detect the following error using the regular expression in the checklist?
The following regular expression only works if there is a mistake in the first unit.
Source: "([0-9])=1 mm"
Target: -"@1 mm"
Powersearch: On
Seach Mode: Regular Expression
Thank you!
You must create more than one checklist entry, depending on the number of appearances of mm in source.
2 instances:
Source: "([0-9]+)=1 mm.*([0-9]+)=2 mm"
Target: -"@1 mm" OR -"@2 mm"
PowerSearch and Match Whole Word: On.
Search Mode: Regular Expressions.
3 instances:
Source: "([0-9]+)=1 mm.*([0-9]+)=2 mm.*([0-9]+)=3 mm"
Target: -"@1 mm" OR -"@2 mm" OR -"@3 mm"
PowerSearch, Match Whole Word, Normalize Whitespaces: On.
Search Mode: Regular Expressions.
Thank you omartin,
It worked!