How to Run QA on Multiple ApSIC Xbench Package File (.xbpkg) Together?

I received translation request using XTM with integrated XBench QA option. When we select “Open XBench”, XTM will download the ApSIC Xbench Package File (.xbpkg). I can open the xbpkg file directly and it will automatically run the XBench application. The problem occurs when I need to perform QA on multiple xbpkg files. These files only allow me to run QA one file at a time. There’s no add xbpkg option on XBench. I need to run QA on multiple xbpkg to check consistency between files. Is it possible? Thank you…
xbpkg sample

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You can rename the .xbpkg to zip and then extract its content. The content are XLIFF files, so you can select them all to load them in Xbench.

However, Edit Segment from Xbench will only work if your XTM web editor is currently open for the document in question that contains the segment you need to update.

I have the same question as above. :\ Could you please help? Thank you!