Checking for symbols


I’ve been checking translations for missing Trademark and Registered Trademark symbols.

For Trademark symbol, I can simply do the following search:

Source: ™
Target: -™

For Registered Trademark symbol this doesn’t seem to work, instead I’ll have to insert the product/term it’s part of.

Source: “product®”
Target: -“product®”

Am I missing something, or is there currently just no way of doing an individual search for certain symbols?


Hi Eemeli,

For the registered trademark symbol, I have tested a similar search and it works:

Source: ®
PowerSearch: On
Mode Search: Simple.

Please check that the Match Whole Word checkbox is not marked at the Search Options section.


Hi Oscar,

I have successfully added the checks as advised above for both ™ and ® and xBench does detect when one such occurrence in the target segment is missing.

However it no longer detects any issue when there are 2 or more occurrences of these symbols in the same segment, and only 1 occurrence is missing in the target.

Is it possible to capture this scenario and if so, how?


To detect when there is more than one ™ and ®, it is necessary to use regular expressions.
For instance, to detect if the source contains 2 ™ characters but 1 at least is missing in target, use the following search:

Source: ™ "^[^™]+™[^™]+™[^™]*$"
Target: -"^[^™]+™[^™]+™[^™]*$"
PowerSearch: On.
Search mode: Regular Expressions.

To detect if the source contains 3 ™ characters but 1 at least is missing in target, use the following search:

Source: ™ "^[^™]+™[^™]+™[^™]+™[^™]*$"
Target: -"^[^™]+™[^™]+™[^™]+™[^™]*$"
PowerSearch: On.
Search mode: Regular Expressions.

To check ®, replace ™ with ®.

Hope this helps.

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