Case sensitive inconsistencies

Hi all,

I need your help in understanding the concept of activating (case sensitive inconsistencies). Why is it important and when?


Hi Eman,

If you have the following 2 segments:

  1. Source: File
    Target: Archivo
  2. Source: File
    Target: archivo

QA is case-insensitive by default. When you run QA, Xbench will not detect an inconsistency in target.

However, if you enable the Case-sensitive Inconsistencies checkbox, Xbench will display those two segments.

Please note that, when the checkbox is enabled, source must be exactly the same to get inconsistency in target. In the same way, target must be identical (including capitalization) to get inconsistency in source.

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Many thanks!

If I sent the QA results to a linguist to check and he returned the excel sheet with different false errors. How can I exclude these errors in Xbench instead of doing this manually?

The errors are different and so many.

If you want to exclude or hide some results from the QA tab at Xbench, do the following:

  1. Select an issue and press Ctrl+M.
  2. Select Hide Marked at the Filter Issues section of the QA tab.

In this way, you can hide marked issues (false positives). All hidden issues will be excluded when exporting QA results.

Many thanks for your help.