I am trying to create a regular expression that would detect an exact mismatch of a domain name between source and target.
For instance, I have “sitename.com”, “sitename.de”, “sitename.com.ca”, and “sitename.com.mx”.
I can easily enough find any mismatches to mismatches where “sitename.com” is not used.
For example, this detects if “sitename.de” is used in the source and not in the target:
Source: “((sitename.[a-z]{1,3})=1”
Target: -@1
However, because the last two (“sitename.com.ca” and “sitename.com.mx”) have “.com” in the name, Xbench considers them a match (even if I select “Match whole word” or I use the “End of word” regex (e.g., “sitename.[a-z]{1,3}>”).)
I’ve tried even creating a Key term list with the domain names, but it seems Xbench considers the second period (“sitename.com.XX”) the end of the word, so it is thinks “sitename.com” is the full match.
Thanks for your quick reply! However, the issue is still happening.
It does not detect an issue when the source is “sitename.com” and target is “sitename.com.ca”, for instance. I think it is because Xbench does not read “sitename.com.ca” as a single full word, but instead reads it as 3 words (sitename, com, and ca); as it considers the period a parsing character.