Search for multiple occurences per segment

Hi everyone!

I try to search for multiple words in source (or target) segments and I want ALL of them to be highlighted. Is it possible? The problem is that when I am trying to use Regular Expressions or MS Word Wildcards not all occurrences are highlighted.

Example 1. Rexular Expressions without Power Search
Source Term: <some|text>|not|<is>
Search Mode: Regular Expressions
Text in the source segment: something is not good, not ok, the text is incorrect
The result: something is not good, not ok, the text is incorrect

So the “some” in “something” and the first “is” are not highlighted.

Example 2. Regular Expressions with Power Search
Source Term: <some OR text> OR not OR <is>
Search Mode: Regular Expressions
Text in the source segment: something is not good, not ok, the text is incorrect
The result: something is not good, not ok, the text is incorrect

Here the second “not” and the second “is” are not highlighted.

I don’t follow the pattern here. Could anyone help me to understand where is my mistake?

Thanks in advance!


There seems to be a bug in the highlighting algorithm.

To avoid over-highlighting it goes always forward in the string, so probably for some reason it is first painting the “not” (simplest condition) and after it is painted, it checks if there is anything left to paint in the remaining string after the “not”.

We’ve just created a task in our DB to see if we can improve this behavior for conditional OR regexes.