I need a regex to search for entries that contain two or more strings, but only when one word appears first as in prepositions.
So for example, I want to find the preposition “change to” in strings like “Please change the setting to Wi-Fi” but I do not want to find “To disconnect change the setting”.
Here are my settings:
Source: “change” “to”
Search mode: RegEx, whole words
Power mode: On
I tried using parenthesis (“change”) and “(change)” but I still get results where “to” appears first.
It did work, however, the regex did not catch everything. I left out the second part of the regex. This did the trick, however, I’m wondering why Xbench is not catching the first “to” in the last sentences?
Thank you @omartin, it did work, however, it’s still weird that it detects “change the Wi-Fi connection to your preferred Wi-Fi network, then return back to” but not "“change the Wi-Fi connection to”
What I’m searching for is the preposition “to” together with the verb “change”, but they do not always appear next to each other. The regex "change .* to" works fine for me, it only bothers me that it’s greedy (thanks for the tip ).
The non-greedy regex gives me completely different results, unfortunately: